Social Contribution

Giving back to the cause that made us who we are today

Medical Diagnosis & Treatment at Vet essential

What we believe

We at Veterinary Essential Services strongly believe in giving back to society and playing our role to aid the strays and less fortunate animals. The majority of us started our journey in this field with a sincere heart of making a difference for every animal that crossed our path. That’s what drives us to embrace the veterinary profession, dedicating our time and lives to serve and provide for our pets and the less fortunate strays.

We work closely with NGO Rescue groups, providing subsidised charges as well as advise and time to help when needed. These rescue organisations and the people behind them dedicate their lives selflessly to aid the less fortunate animals. All for the hope and dream that these strays have a safe place that they can call home, and free from hunger or suffering. We respect them deeply for their selfless acts and readily contribute in terms of our time and skills to the best that we can.

They are all operated based on non-profit conditions and welcome donations and volunteering work. Any contributions are welcomed and do make a difference for them, be it monetary term or volunteering work. Feel free to reach out to them to help and make a difference. Links to their individual website or contacts can be reached by clicking on their logo. All commissions and proceedings from insurance purchased through our link will be donated entirely to their cause as well.

Together we can make the world a better place for all living creatures

Make a difference for them now by choosing to help, be it time or money. Simply click on the logo below to explore their organization more

List Of NGOs We Work Closely With

Donation to our local charity organizations

Click on the Logo Above to donate