About Vetessential
In Vetessential, we strive to focus on essential things that help our patients the most – practical solutions, thorough diagnosis and treatment when needed.
Things that are good to know
You may bring your pet to your trusted veterinarian for a general check up. The four basic things that should be done are vaccinations, deworming and external parasite prevention such as tick prevention as well as heartworm prevention.
Vaccinations are important in preventing your dogs from succumbing to deadly diseases such as parvovirus or distemper virus.
Dogs need their bath once a week and shampoos can be purchased from any vet clinics or pet shops. If your dog has any skin diseases, please consult your veterinarian for the use of medicated shampoos.
Please take any videos/photos of the symptoms shown by your dog and bring your dog for a check up at your nearest veterinary clinic/hospital.
Food shall be given according to the recommended serving portion available at the back of the packaging of the kibbles/canned food. Puppies can be fed up to 3-4 times a day whereas adult dog can be fed as frequent as twice a day.
Neuter is a general term for the removal of reproductive organ in pets. Spay is specifically for female whereas castration is for male dog. Neutering is highly recommended to reduce stray animal population as well as to prevent the occurrence of pyometra (infection of uterus) and testicular tumour.
Excessive ear scratching may indicate presence of foreign bodies in the ear canal which makes the dog feel uncomfortable or it could indicate presence of infection, whether it’s parasitic, bacterial or fungal infections. Bring your dog to the veterinarian for further examination.
You may bring your dog out for a walk as the friction between the nails and the rough surface will help to trim them.
If your dog is healthy and active, an annual trip to the veterinarian is sufficient. Do consult your veterinarian if there is anything about your pet that you are concern with.
All owners should be aware of what kind of food that are poisonous or safe for their pets consumption. However, frequent feeding of table scraps may encourage picky eating behaviour of your dog.
There are many things required to make sure your cat is comfortable and healthy. Prepared a comfortable sleeping area, little box, clean food and water are the basics. To ensure the wellbeing of your cat, a variety of factors should also be done, from preventive vaccination, deworming, deflea to whether or not to neutering your cat.
Vaccination is important to prevent your cat from certain lethal diseases such as feline panleukopenia virus (feline parvovirus), feline herpesvirus and feline calicivirus.
The removal of fleas from your cat requires killing of adult fleas, preventing flea’s eggs from hatching, as well as the environment. Maintaining environmental hygiene, washing your cat’s blankets or beds regularly is necessary.There are also various flea control products, consult your vet on suitable cat flea treatment and make sure you check with your vet before you buy any over-the-counter products.
Cats are usually very good at keeping themselves clean. Cats won’t need a bath so frequently unless they are very dirty and smelly or have skin disease. A specific medicated shampoo is required for specific skin disease. Please consult your veterinarian before you buy any over-the-counter products.
Spaying and castrating your cat is the best way to prevent the cat overpopulation crisis and reduce the number of stray cats. Moreover, this practice also reduces risk of uterine infection, uterine cancers, mammary tumour, prostate and testicular cancer. Furthermore, castrated or spayed cats are better behaved and display less aggressive behaviour. Such practices is consider Halal according to the local Islamic authority, Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia (JAKIM).
The physical and behavioural changes will start soon after pregnant. Your cat may become more maternal and the nipples will be swollen and pinkish at the third week of pregnancy. During the fourth week, the cat should have gained some weight to make her pregnancy visible. However, there are other causes of abdominal swelling, so monitor your cat closely for other signs of illness and bring your cat for a general checkup.
There are various reasons for a cat sneeze. If sneezing is the only symptom, no discharge from eye and nose, and it only occurs once in a blue moon, it is most likely of no concern. But bring your cat immediately to the vet when ocular or nasal discharge is seen or the frequency of sneezing increases.
A poor cat’s skin hair coat is sometimes related to a poor nutrient, lack of grooming, flea infestation, bacterial infection or other skin disease. Therefore, a sound nutrition, proper grooming, effective flea prevention, and skin supplement are essential for a good and shiny hair coat. Other complicated skin diseases required a further check up by a veterinarian.
If your cat is healthy and active, an annual check up is sufficient. Do consult your veterinarian if there is anything about your pet that you are concerned with.
In Vetessential, we strive to focus on essential things that help our patients the most – practical solutions, thorough diagnosis and treatment when needed.